895+ India’s Most Active Investors For Founders
A curated list of 985+ investors in India to help you find the right funding opportunities for your startup. Whether you're building a bootstrapped business or seeking venture capital, this eBook will save you hours of research by providing a ready-to-use database of investors across different industries and stages.
Why This eBook?
- Find Investors Faster – Get direct access to a comprehensive list of investors categorized by industry, investment stage, and focus area.
- Save Hours of Research – No need to browse multiple websites and databases—everything you need is in one place.
- Increase Your Chances of Funding – Target the right investors who align with your startup's vision and growth stage.
How To Use:
- After purchase, you will receive an email with access to the product.
- If you're logged into Gumroad, you can find the eBook in your Gumroad Library.
- Open the document and start exploring potential investors!
For Personal Use Only:
This eBook is for personal use only. You may not resell, relicense, or distribute this product in any form, whether for free or paid use.
Enquiries or Feedback:
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach me at dipakbarkale18@gmail.com.
Thank you! :)
Designed by Dipak Barkale. You may also follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram or check out more resources on my website. 👋 If you read newsletters, you can check mine out here.
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